Spain’s Podemos links with far left to pip the Socialists

podemosSpain’s young anti-austerity party Podemos has agreed an alliance with a rival party before the country enters a fresh general election on 26 June.

Podemos will ally with the smaller far-left Izquierda Unida (United Left) to run together in the election to enhances the chances of overtaking the Socialists who are the main opposition.

Japan’s electric cars motors ahead

electriccartopupJapan now has more electric car charge points than petrol stations.

A recent survey counted more than 40,000 charging stops nationwide compared to fewer than 35,000 petrol filling stations.

Victory for common sense - EN125 closure postponed until after the summer season

en125postVictory can be celebrated for the Algarve’s drivers as the 10 kilometre cut on the EN125 between Maritenda and the Fontainhas traffic lights is not going ahead today as was planned nor will roadworks be started any time this summer.

Infraestrutura de Portugal (IP) of course has tried to blame the sub-contractor for the proposed road closure announced on Friday evening and due to start on Monday morning continuing at least until mid-July.

European directive on bank accounts means less privacy

euThe EuroState’s insistent snooping into private citizens’ affairs continues with the directive that any bank account in Portugal containing €219,000 or more will be reported.

The directive now is being discussed by Portugal's Council of Ministers but before it finally is approved, the opinion of the National Data Protection Commission will be sought, not that this will halt progress of this C20 initiative.

Italians want their own EU referendum

4794Italians are feeling more restive about EU membership than many of their fellow Europeans.

Nearly 50% said they would vote to leave the EU if they had the chance while 58% said they would like to have a referendum on the matter.

Fewer refugees reaching Germany

refugeeraftThe number of migrants arriving in Germany declined steeply in April following the closure of a much-used route through the Balkans.

About 16,000 migrants entered Germany in April, according to official figures. This was nearly 25% under the 20,000 recorded in March and a far cry from the 120,000 new arrivals who reached Germany in December.

Free sterilsation for cats and dogs in Lagos

catThe municipal kennel in Lagos again is offering free sterilisation for dogs and cats in order to "control the growth of the animal population."

The campaign, for both male and female animals, started today and runs until May 13th.

Good Algarve tourist figures in April bode well for the summer season

vilajoyaHotels and other registered tourism properties in the Algarve registered a rise in income this April compared with the same month last year.

"The turnover increased by 6.9% over the same month of 2015," reports the Association of Hotels and Resorts in the Algarve (AHETA) in its monthly activity report.