"Saudades Mr No Ears" book released

"Saudades Mr No Ears" book releasedReleased on July 27th 2017, the much-awaited book about the life of a very special street cat from Albufeira, Portugal called Mr No Ears.

"Saudades MR NO EARS" is written by Carol Lee in collaboration with a small working group, with contributions from Mr No Ears’ huge fan base.

The publishing costs of the book were raised through a successful crowdfunding campaign via New York based ‘Kickstarter’.

Published in the UK and distributed worldwide via online bookseller Amazon.co.uk, it is available now in English and is soon to be released in Portuguese and as a digital e-book on Kindle.

Nicknamed the Lion King of Albufeira, Mr No Ears was no ordinary cat. Losing an eye and both ears at an early age made him different, but that did not stop him! He charmed his way into the hearts of local residents and friends in over fifty countries around the world, who followed his daily antics and adventures online. Through his life story, the book emphasizes the importance of the right to life of free living cats. Also included in the book is a comprehensive appendix on street and feral cat issues.

Mr No Ears was taken from his colony at the Peneco Beach, Albufeira on 11 September 2015 and died in captivity 10 months later. This is the story of his life – not his death.

High above the sandy shores of his birthplace, a love-lock has been placed on his favourite outlook… in his memory.

All proceeds from the sale of the book will go towards the Trap-Neuter-Return and medical costs of the street cats, paid to individual carers veterinary practice of choice.

Anyone caring for street cats and needing support for medical bills, please email saudadesmrnoears@gmail.com for further information.

The book has been given 5-star ratings on both his Facebook Book page and by Amazon readers.

To purchase book on Amazon.co.uk: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Saudades-MR-EARS-Carol-Lee/dp/B073RFV1KR

Saudades MR NO EARS Facebook book page: https://www.facebook.com/PenecoColony

Kickstarter Crowdfunder: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1124089056/saudades-mr-no-ears/community

You can contact Carol Lee on saudadesmrnoears@gmail.com