Facebook Ads tips by Clarity

Facebook Ads tips by ClarityHave you ever been in that situation when you need to set up an advertising campaign on Facebook, but you are not sure what will work best for your business? It looks like there’s no end to all the questions you need to answer before actually getting somewhere – which platforms to advertise on, how to create the best audience, which visuals to use, what to say…

As with everything in digital marketing, just following your gut feeling might not be enough – you need some data to base your decision on. But what if this is your first-ever Social Media campaign? How do you get to some conclusions without wasting too much money on things that don’t work?

Facebook platform has a great tool for this kind of situation – Split tests. Split tests are A / B tests, where you can test one variable or combination of variables over two or more ad sets. These ad sets compete against each other in equal positions, have the same budget and are running at the same time without overlapping.

If you have enough time and budget to gather meaningful data, at the end of the campaign Facebook will tell you which ad set is the winner and what’s the probability of having the same result in the future if you test the same thing. The more time and money you have for the test, the more data you receive, the more precise the results will be.

With Facebook split testing you can test Audiences (to see which group of users has lower conversions costs), Placements (to see on which platforms your ads are working better) or Creatives (to understand to which visuals or texts your audience reacts better). After receiving the results, you can use them in the next campaign and make more informed decisions.

For example, you may create your first campaign testing two different audiences (A and B) against each other, as you are not sure yet on how to make your targeting the most efficient possible. At the end of the test, you realise that audience B has a much lower cost per result and, as such, in the next campaign, you will use only audience B, but you split test again using two different visuals over which your marketing department is arguing. After the test you understand, that visual A has a better performance, so you know what to use the next time. Now you can test the placements (Facebook vs. Instagram, for example) for your audience B and visual A, and so forth.

This process can go on for as long as you like. One thing is for sure, at the end, you will understand your audience much better and you can make better choices regarding your advertising strategy.

For more information, bespoke strategies and efficient digital marketing solutions, just contact the Clarity’s girls through info@yourdigitalclarity.com or visit our website at www.yourdigitalclarity.com.