5 mistakes that are killing your Google Ads performance

5 mistakes that are killing your Google Ads performanceGoogle Ads is not the easiest platform to use, especially if you are a beginner. There are plenty of settings and options. And though making mistakes is not a great thing in general, failing to do things right with some of the settings will not cause you major harm, whilst with others can negatively influence the performance of your ads big time.

Today we are going to give you some ideas of what you might need to check and improve to see better results as soon as within the next few weeks. So, here are five mistakes that you do not want to do.

1. Packing all your different products and targets into one campaign, or worse, one ad group.
Coming up with a good Google Ads account structure is a great part of achieving success in this channel. Do not try to combine everything into one campaign, thinking it will be easier to manage this way. It will make it more difficult for you to control your budget spend and to make your targeting more precise. The easiest way to decide on the structure of the campaigns is to divide them either by different targets (by country, by language, by a specific profile of the customer), or by products / services you provide. Just make sure that if you put a few different things into the same campaign, those things share the same logic / budget or, in other words, the same end goal.

2. Not dividing keywords into closely related groups.
This is the next step in the process of planning and organising your account. After dividing your products and targets into campaigns and doing a proper keyword research, you’ll most likely end up with a rather large number of keywords and their variations. Just copying all of them into one ad group is one of the most frequent mistakes we see in Google Ads’ accounts. You want your keywords to be very closely related to each other within one ad group. This way you will be able to write ads that will also be closely related to your keywords and thus be more relevant for the search queries of users. The quality of your ads and keywords will be higher and this will result in a lower cost-per-click – definitely an outcome worth working for.

3. Using only broad match keywords.
You really want to explore what different keyword matches mean. Without going into too much detail, you need to know that if you just copy the keywords you like to your campaign, you might end up getting clicks from users that are searching for completely different things, while Google Ads will still match those searches to your keywords. This happens because just copying a keyword into your campaign, means you are choosing a broad match, and thus Google will show your ads not only to users that are searching using your keyword, but also to ones searching for “misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations”. Very frequently a “relevant variation” of your service or product might be something you do not actually sell or do, which will result in users abandoning your website because they cannot find what they are looking for. You will end up paying for irrelevant clicks. There are quite a few keyword match types in Google Ads, some of them will result in searches that will word-by-word match your keywords; some will leave the door open to adding something before or after your keyword. Take a better look and do some research on this topic to make sure you are making an educated choice when you decide on your match type. Just changing that alone can bring you some huge money savings.

4. Not using negative keywords.
This one is closely related to the previous point. Sometimes Google matches your ads to searches that are not relevant for you. This is normal, you do not need to turn off the keyword that brought you some irrelevant clicks or immediately change it to the exact match. There is a way to educate Google about what you really need. Every time you notice an irrelevant search there is an option to add it to your negative keywords. This means that Google will save this search as something you do not want and thus will never show your ads again to people using that search query. But be careful, match types apply here as well. You don’t want to over-limit your account.

5. Not choosing a landing page wisely.
This is the most frequent issue that leads to the “Google Ads is a waste of money” statement. Having a perfectly optimised account is just half of what you need to start making money with the help of Google Ads rather than just spending it without any result. The second and most important part is your landing page. When a user clicks on your ads, he is expecting to see exactly what he is looking for and in the exact way the ad promised. However, lots of advertisers aim all their ads to their website’s homepage. Guess what? Users land on the page, don’t see the product, service or promotion the ad was talking about immediately on the first screen, close the website, and go back to the search results page. You need your landing page to match your ads in the most exact way possible. Also, you need to make sure your page displays all the advantages of your product / service and answers any doubts or questions that may arise. The copy of your PPC landing page should be straightforward, short, and to the point. The design also matters – it should be very easy for the user to get the result he is looking for. Now, when you point all your different ads to the homepage this level of preciseness is impossible to achieve. You may say you don’t have a good selling page for each of your products but guess what? You need to start creating them. Try to make one page for the most important product and service and invest your time and effort into that page. Then compare the results. We are sure you will want to create more pages after that.

For more information, bespoke strategies and efficient digital marketing solutions, just contact the Clarity’s girls through info@yourdigitalclarity.com or visit our website at www.yourdigitalclarity.com.