How to find time to create quality content for social media?

How to find time to create quality content for social media?We believe that we all need time to rest, rather than doing that extra task at the end of the day like, for instance, create content, when we just feel like watching that series on TV or Netflix.

But, folks, things don’t get done all by themselves! And after this quarantine, we need to put in that extra effort to get back on track.

Creating content for social media is always something that we think we’ll do quickly – “oh, it’s just doing one post and that's it” – but it is never just that and that’s why there are professionals dedicated to this task. But if we choose to do it ourselves, we have to really sink our teeth into it!

So, here are three tips to help you create relevant content in a productive way:

⁃ Save a date and time on your diary each week to create content;
⁃ Create an Excel file that will be your publications’ map, or a file on the computer with the images and diary for the posts – choose whichever option is the most practical for you;
⁃ Use automated tools for posting to multiple social media at the same time.

However please note that if you post simultaneously in two languages on Facebook, you will have to publish or schedule directly there (on Facebook), as the scheduling platforms do not yet allow you to do it in two languages (hopefully they’ll get there in a nearby future!). And to help you just a little more, here is the link to the platform we like the most to help manage our clients' accounts – They have a professional option but also a free one that you can always use.

Now, hit the keyboard and let creativity flow. The next time you have to create content for your social media, it will be easier because you have already created a routine.

And, of course, if this job is really painful for you, count on us and our team to do this task for you!

Come on boys and girls, let's go!

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