Google Ads news by Clarity

Google Ads news by ClarityNews in Google Ads! Google is adding a new functionality to responsive search ads and is testing a new type of extension.
Last week Google announced some new features that are coming to Google Ads soon. Some of the advertisers may already find these features available, while other accounts will need to wait a little longer.

1. Google is testing out a new image extension.
While setting up a Google Search campaign, do you sometimes find yourself thinking “wouldn't it be nice if I could show a photo of my product next to the ad in search, as its appearance is a great selling point?”. Well, if you are selling B2B services this might not be your case, but if you are a handmade jewellery brand, for example, then not being able to display photos in your ads and only being able to use keywords, may even scare you away from Google Search Ads all together. You might only be investing in Social Media Ads and, maybe, Display Ads up until now, secretly feeling envious of other advertisers getting great results in search.

Google feels your pain! It had tested out the Gallery Ads before, though decided not to move forward with it, but now a new Image extension is coming. With this extension, advertisers will be able to display an image on the right hand-side of the text ad. Advertisers will be able to choose an exact image for each ad group or allow Google to dynamically add images that it finds on your website. They’ve been testing this feature together with Hugo Boss and, by adding images to the text ads, Hugo Boss was able to increase its ROI by 2.5 times!

2. Google is adding countdowns to the responsive search ads.
Scarcity and urgency are two well-known tricks that digital marketers often use to make you buy stuff. You can create a great campaign offering the user exactly what he is looking for, but will he buy it straight away? Well, maybe. Or he might want to browse a little bit more and think about it. But tell him that the offer is limited in quantity and, even better, put a countdown on it, and he is much more likely to make a purchase out of fear of losing the opportunity.
Having this in mind, Google is adding a countdown functionality to responsive search ads. You may already be familiar with this type of dynamic copy for the expanded search ads, but for responsive ads, this feature was unavailable up until now.
To use it, all you need to do is to insert a curly bracket "{" in the headline of a responsive ad and choose the “Countdown” option. After this Google will ask you to input the date and time of when the countdown ends and when it should start (for example, 10 days before the end date), as well as the time zone (you can choose your Google Ads account time zone or the ad viewer´s time zone). Click save, then save your responsive ad and it’s done! Now you have a dynamic countdown that will start and finish by itself, hopefully driving you more conversions. This might be an excellent feature to use during the next sales season!

Have you checked if your Google Ads account already has these features available?

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