Do you know what Remarketing is and why it works?

DO YOU KNOW WHAT REMARKETING IS AND WHY IT WORKS?All businesses are thrilled with the idea of being able to bring back to their website that potential customer who has met them before but left before making a conversion (like, for instance, requesting a quote, making a call, or completing the purchase process). But who wouldn't? And this is where Remarketing comes in.

Actually, the conversion rate for this digital marketing tool is much higher and could thus lead to an increase in sales. This is because, through remarketing, you can reach people who have already interacted with your website at some, several, or all stages of the purchase decision.

When we talk about this option to our customers, we see on people's faces the joy of this possibility, we see them imagining “castles in the sky” and the thought that runs through their minds is, quite often, “this can be what I need to increase sales”. And you know what? They are right! in fact, the conversion rate for remarketing sessions is a high-performing one and it is a great opportunity to reach people who have already shown interest in your website.

However, even though remarketing is a very good digital marketing tool from a company's point of view, as users we must confess that sometimes that whole “chase” is boring (to say the least!) and just makes us want to shout “ leave us alone, we have no money for you ”! But what if, that same ad appeared with an offer, with an unmissable discount? That would be “the icing on the cake” and probably enough to reactivate our interest and finally make us go through with the purchase that both ourselves, and the selling company, want so much.

To sum it up, remarketing REALLY has to present an advantage to the user who has already visited our website. We need to show him or her Google Ads that will “remarket” the product or service once again – like a cycle, until he or she converts – since with remarketing our ad will continue to appear to the person who is interested in it and has not yet completed the desired action (conversion).

You can ask us, “but is remarketing espionage or persecution”? And the answer is “no sir, it’s not”. It is just a very simple and logical process, since remarketing in Google Ads works based on cookies, which are stored on our computers after visiting a website. This way Google knows that we are interested in this product, service, or even in a particular topic, and can use this information to retarget us.

So, how would you like to start doing some remarketing? If so, just keep this golden rule in mind: you have to give the customer a benefit in order to get him to convert.

For more information, bespoke strategies and efficient digital marketing solutions, just contact the Clarity’s girls through or visit our website at