Which social media platform has the most users?

WHICH SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM HAS THE MOST USERS?Are you looking to make use of social media as a part of your marketing plan for your business but want to make sure you are marketing to the most amount of people popular? Have you thought about marketing to the platform that has the most amount of users but aren’t sure which platform this is?

Social media is a powerful tool that has changed the way that people communicate and interact with each other. Marketers, businesses, and brands are all using social media to build their brand awareness and connect with whole new audiences. It’s so important for businesses to know which platform will give them the most exposure so they can best use their time on each one.

Just randomly using a platform is not good for the growth of your business and it is so important to identify your audience and where they are located before you introduce any kind of marketing strategy on specific social media platforms. If you want to know which platforms have the most users, continue reading.

Why does a large audience matter?

When it comes to any brand or business marketing any product, it is just general knowledge that you want to try and market to as many people as you possibly can and that you have the largest audience you can get. Social media is a great way to directly marketing to an incredibly large pool of people, but you need to know who your target audience is in order for you content to reach them. Having a large audience is crucial for the engagement you should be receiving on your account, as well as driving traffic to your site.

There is no point in marketing to an audience that won’t like you content to so it is important to know what your niche is and who might fall part of this niche. Having a small niche with a selective audience won’t necessarily be very good for business because it mean that you will not really do all that well, both on social media, and in real life.

How to target them?

Getting started with marketing on social media, there are specific ways you can go about targeting your specific audience and encouraging them to engage with your account or content. Once you have discovered you niche, you need to figure out exactly who your target audience is. This information will open up a world of possibilities for you when it comes to marketing by allowing you to discover exactly what kind of content you need to be producing to reach this target audience, what time you should be posting in order to reach them and more. The best way to specifically reach your target audience is through the use of hashtags that are relevant to your content, for which you can use a hashtag generator app like Task Ant which will generate the most popular hashtags for you, and the use of influencer who fall part of the same niche as you and will have a massive following that will most likely be interest in your content too.


TikTok is a short form video platform where you can record, edit and post your videos. This app is a place where the teens and tweens seem to gather and is a great place if you are looking to market towards them. TikTok is also great if you are a small or start up business because there are minimal costs involved and you don’t need to have any fancy equipment or fantastic looking video as it’s all about being in the moment and authentic.


Instagram is an everything platform where you can share both videos and photos in multiple formats and reach so many different people. Their demographics are a bit up in the air reaching people from young tweens and teens all the way to people who could be their parents. Instagram is a great place if you are looking to sell more than just a product but rather a lifestyle, and to get even more followers which means more customers. Here you will find the most glamourous of picture and the best produced videos.


Last but not least we have twitter, the longest standing, popular social media platform that the millennial know and love all too well. This platform is a microblogging style platform where you can post tweets with a limited amount of characters. You can also include pictures, videos, and gifs to liven it up a bit. If you are looking to market here you will be reaching a majority audience that fall part of the millennial audience, meaning they most likely can afford to buy whatever you are selling.