Cost-Effective Marketing Tactics to Try

COST-EFFECTIVE MARKETING TACTICS TO TRYEvery business owner knows that marketing is important. However, if you are a small company or just starting out then you might not have much of a budget to dedicate to the task. Therefore, you will be pleased to hear that there are lots of marketing techniques you can try which do not have to cost the earth and will give you plenty of return on your investment. Here are some of our favourites.

Set up a blog

Content marketing can be very effective when done right, as well as being cheap to do. One simple method to get you started is to set up a blog on your website. This is a great way to boost traffic to your site, increase engagement with your customers, and also demonstrate your knowledge and authority in your company’s area. The key aspect is to make the content genuinely interesting and valuable for readers. It could be anything from top ten lists and how-to guides to editorial style think pieces. You should learn about content marketing at the seo conferences from Seo meetup.

Use marketing automation tools 

Today, it's difficult to imagine your business's online promotion without the help of marketing automation. There are numerous marketing automation solutions available to help every type of business save time and resources. For example, if you own a franchise or another business with multiple locations and have to manage hundreds of marketing campaigns at the same time, then automation is a powerful way to help you handle all multi-location marketing processes.

Make the most of social media

Using social media as a promotional tool does not have to cost you anything, and yet can still be extremely effective. Create profiles on all the big social media sites that are relevant to your target audience and try to stick to a regular posting schedule. Again, quality is key so make sure you use attractive photographs and that your posts are helpful and interesting. Engage directly with your followers too and use it as a chance to showcase your brand’s unique personality in a fun and casual way.

Get custom promotional products made

Raising brand awareness is one of the main goals of marketing, and a great tactic you can try in this regard is using custom-made promo products and apparel. Unless you are a design expert, it is best not to take a DIY approach. Work with a professional agency such as, who can produce everything from hats, water bottles and travel cups to socks, t-shirts and hoodies with your logo on. You can sell or gift these to customers and clients, and use them to display your brand’s style and personality.

Build an email newsletter

Having your customers on a mailing list gives you the chance to speak directly to them and offers a consistently good return on your investment. You can use it to send out discount codes and encourage repeat custom, announce exciting new products or services, or provide interesting updates on your activities. Just be careful not to spam people with too many marketing emails, or they are likely to unsubscribe.

Partner with other local businesses

If you are a small local business, partnering with other companies in your area (who are not direct competitors) can be a fantastic way for both of you to reach new customers and boost your exposure. For example, you could offer referral discount codes, advertise on each other’s premises, mention each other on your blog or newsletter, or even arrange an event together. You do not have to stop at one either and could even set up a network of local businesses to help each other grow.