Which social media platform is the best for business growth?

WHICH SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM IS THE BEST FOR BUSINESS GROWTH?Different social media platforms have different benefits and different ways of reaching potential customers. All are valuable for the growth of your business, but it can be tough to know where to start and which ones are the most popular. Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity to unleash your creativity and captivate audiences with innovative content strategies for optimal business growth.

Digital media is a constantly evolving landscape. Let’s take a look at how some top business leaders are utilizing social media and which platforms they prefer. 

Create Multi-Use Content

It’s hard to choose at this point which platform is best. The reality is, having content that can be shared across platforms is ideal. I would say, for a business starting out, having both a Facebook and Instagram are great places to start. Those platforms will lead to other avenues such as TikTok and Twitter. 

Frequent Twitter Posts

Twitter is an excellent platform for business growth. Tweets are bite-sized pieces of information that you can use to promote your business. Interact with your followers and post frequently to increase engagement. Clever tweets will get the attention of your followers and you can link to your business page through them or through your profile, and Ship 30 for 30 can show you how to craft a perfect Twitter bio.

Find Out Where Your Competitors Are Posting

If you really want to grow your business, start taking a look at some of the social platforms that many of your competitors may not be onboard with yet. Both TikTok and YouTube are doing great things for businesses, especially in the niche of eCommerce. So, you can expect a great ROI.

  • Jordan Duran, CEO and Founder 6 Ice

Reach Younger Audiences

Snapchat is a great tool for businesses who want to reach millennials and Gen Z. You can snap your customers' new products when they arrive. It’s great for small businesses who have a loyal and tight-knit customer base. 

Where Are Your Customers Posting

The answer can vary depending on which company this applies to and who their audience is. For example, moms like to “hang out” on Facebook groups, while their children are scrolling through Tik Tok. Determine your target audience, as the answer will vary depending on who you are trying to reach and gain a loyal following to your brand.

Be Present On All Platforms

The real answer is that you should be present on all platforms possible. However, some platforms like Facebook are less pressing to post updates on. Twitter is a great platform to share news on, Instagram and TikTok work great for marketing and advertising. 

Instagram For Visual Representation

When we want to show product images and what we have to offer as a company, Instagram is extremely visual, which makes it the perfect platform. We love the idea that many people are directed to our site from Instagram,  which means they’re definitely doing some shopping there. Then, once on our site, they can find out full details and get connected to our customer service team.

Facebook vs. Instagram 

Facebook and Instagram have held strong for years. Facebook can be great for longer posts and ads, while instagram is great for imagery and short videos (especially personal ones). It really depends on what you’re trying to push with your content. 

Building Culture and Community 

In the skincare industry, Instagram has been the best way for us to build community around our mission of reinventing the mass skincare model. Because makeup and beauty more generally have been so popular on Instagram, it's important that we show up there authentically. Over a short period of time, we have been able to accumulate over 22,000 followers on our Instagram, where we can build a loyal following.

  • Meghan Maupin, CEO and Co-Founder Atolla

Facebook For Customer Communication

Facebook is a good platform for business growth because you can run ads, create a page for your business, and interact with buyers all on one site. You can build and maintain relationships with your customers through your page by responding to their inquiries, offering giveaways, and getting feedback. Customers appreciate prompt responses and through Facebook notifications, you’ll know who commented on your posts and be able to respond right away. 

Use Live Features 

Many platforms now have a live option which can be great for showing how your products are used. For us, we could use Clubhouse or Instagram Live stories to host a beauty tutorial. Clubhouse offers a great exclusivity option, but Instagram live remains a popular option among businesses and influencers. Instagram could be used to spread your reach and get people in the know about your more exclusive products or services hosted elsewhere. 

Share Between Facebook and Instagram

For the health and fitness industry, Instagram and Facebook have been great at facilitating different communities to share fitness tips and share workout progress. Gainful has also found success is going onto both platforms to find those people who are looking for self-improvement on their health and fitness journey. For Instagram, progress photos, “what I eat in a day” videos, and workout videos have all been great areas for us to share our products and get our customers to share with each other the results Gainful provided them. Facebook groups have also been helpful in having people share our product and recommending it to others. 

  • Eric Wu, COO and Co-Founder Gainful

Know Your Demographic 

The answer to this question really relies on your demographics, to some extent. However, according to some recent research, there are around triple as many users on Facebook as there are on Instagram. This more than triples your opportunities for growth - if you rely solely on the numbers.

  • Jared Zabaldo, Founder USAMM

Connect With Professionals on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the best platform for business growth. You can network with other professionals in your industry and promote your business via articles and posts. LinkedIn connections can be a valuable part of your overall business strategy. 

TikTok on the Rise 

Which social networking tools you focus on really depends on where your audience is. Younger audiences will be more likely to see TikTok and Instagram posts, while older groups will likely be more present on Facebook. Do some research on your target audience, that will give you a better understanding of where to focus your energy.

Reach All Generations

A lot of companies are focused on TikTok and Instagram, but a lot of people are forgetting about Twitter. Twitter is an oddity, because it seems to attract users of all ages and demographics. While we see a much younger crowd on TikTok, Twitter users range from baby boomers to Gen Z. I recommend using Twitter as a platform to focus your updates on. It creates an easy and reliable place to find your information. Keep consistent and it will really help your reach. 

  • Luke Hotchin, Co-Founder Kenzzi

Paid Ad Space on Facebook

We feel that the majority of our target audience is more active on Facebook, so we definitely see more growth from that platform. Plus, if you’re interested in paid ads, Facebook has one of the easiest interfaces to use. You can set your budget, select your demographics and just GO!

TikTok and Music Libraries 

If music plays a role in your content strategy, TikTok and Instagram are great tools for promoting your content. If you have connections with influencers or brand ambassadors, you can easily get your music or ad featured on one of their posts. 

  • Steve Martocci, Co-Founder and CEO Splice

Connect With Influencers

Instagram is a great platform for promoting your business. You can connect with influencers and get partnerships to promote your products and services. As with other social networking sites, posting frequently is the best way to gain followers. Connecting with micro influencers is a surefire way to get the word out about what you do.