5 Strategies to Grow Your Instagram Organically for Your Business

5 STRATEGIES TO GROW YOUR INSTAGRAM ORGANICALLY FOR YOUR BUSINESSAs a business, are you using Instagram as a way to market to your target audience? Do you want to know how you can be growing your Instagram account organically?

These days, social media marketing is the way to go and something you have to do. However, for some, it can be a bit tricky and even confusing. This doesn’t have to be the case.

Instagram is a major social media platform that has billions of users every single month, and this means it is one of the best social media platforms to use when marketing. Here are 5 strategies for you to follow in order to grow your Instagram organically for your business.

Use Organic Growth Tools

First up on our list is using organic growth tools. Many people think that when it comes to organic Instagram growth, you cannot get help from anyone, but this is simply not the case.

One of the best ways for you to grow your Instagram organically is to make use of different organic growth tools or businesses. This is a great way to gain followers while still doing it organically and essentially not breaking any of the rules.


When on Instagram, consistency comes in two forms: the look and style of your content and how frequently you post. As a business, you should be considering both of these.

You want to create a specific look and style to follow so that your content flows from post to post and that your followers can almost expect what to see from you.

On the other hand, you should be posting often and at consistent times. You don’t want to be spamming your audience with content, but you don’t only want to be posting once a week and never growing. Posting once a day or even twice a day is a good starting point and a great way to actively reach your audience.


One of the most innovative elements or features that Instagram and most social media platforms have introduced is the ability to engage with the users. On Instagram you can engage with other users through liking, commenting, and sharing their posts, following other users, tagging them, or even direct messaging them to name a few.

Instagram is a platform that is based on communication and engagement, and as a business, you will be sorely mistaken to not use any kind of engagement methods, especially if you are trying to grow. By engaging with other users, you can build more personal relationships and come across as more personable. As a business, this makes customers more likely to follow you.


Hashtags are by far the most important aspect of any kind of social media marketing campaign and something that you absolutely cannot miss out on. Hashtags are the keywords of Instagram and a way for you to easily search for absolutely anything and find hundreds of different posts related to it.

When posting to Instagram, you want to make use of hashtags as much as possible without being overwhelming. With that said, you don’t want to just go about choosing the most popular hashtags, but rather choose ones that are relative to your content and make sense in the context that you are posting it in. this is one of the best ways to reach many more people who fall part of your target audience or niche.

Visual Content

Last but certainly not least, these days social media is all about being visual and taking advantage of the visual aspects of the different platforms. It is no secret that visual content is far more captivating than that of other types of content and there is no surprise why.

Typically, visual content is far more eye-catching, and more people will stop to look at it as opposed to just scrolling past it. If you include pictures and videos that are relevant to your business and are fun to look at, you are bound to grow your account in no time. It is also a good idea to have an organized feed that flows and looks as if it all belongs together.