8 Tips to Improve Industrial and Manufacturing Employee Health and Safety

8 TIPS TO IMPROVE INDUSTRIAL AND MANUFACTURING EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND SAFETYWorkplace and employee safety are paramount to every industry, but industrial and manufacturing businesses are innately riskier due to their nature of operations.

According to recent stats, over 100,000 injuries are recorded annually in the manufacturing industry alone. This staggering figure can be attributed to the use of heavy equipment, hazardous materials, and high-risk activities.

However, by implementing proper safety measures and providing apt training, businesses can significantly improve their workers' safety and health. Prioritizing your employees' well-being is essential for creating a smooth workflow and enhancing productivity. Moreover, it helps businesses reduce costs associated with workplace injuries, such as medical coverage, health insurance, and legal consequences. Investing in employee safety is a critical aspect of running a responsible and successful business.

For tips to improve industrial and manufacturing employee health and safety, consider implementing solutions like Fireye. Fireye offers cutting-edge technologies and systems designed to enhance workplace safety and protect employees in industrial settings.

Here are some more tips that industrial and manufacturing companies should implement for a secure and healthy work environment:

  1. Provide Comprehensive Training and Education

Companies must provide comprehensive training to their employees as it helps them gain an in-depth understanding of the skills required to prioritize safety in industrial and manufacturing environments. These training sessions should cover a wide range of topics, including hazard recognition, proper handling of equipment and machinery, emergency response procedures, etc. Thorough and ongoing training empowers employees to identify potential risks and proactively deal with them to mitigate their effects.

Online degrees and boot camps are another powerful source of learning that can be instrumental in imparting knowledge effectively within a short span. These online degree courses are ideal for people already pursuing full-time roles and looking to add additional skills to their repertoire.

Industrial and manufacturing employees can greatly benefit from programs like a health and safety degree online program, which allows them to enhance their expertise in occupational health and safety practices while balancing their work responsibilities. They also learn about various systematic approaches for identifying and dealing with potential hazards and the safe use of workplace equipment.

  1. Make the Usage of Personal Protective Equipment Mandatory

Personal protective equipment serves as a vital line of defense against workplace hazards. It is imperative to establish a strict policy that mandates the use of appropriate PPE for all relevant tasks and work areas.

This policy should clearly outline the specific types of PPE required, such as helmets, gloves, safety glasses, or respirators. Employees must also be liable to complete comprehensive training on the selection, proper fitting, maintenance, and storage of PPE.

Another thing you must look into is the quality of PPEs. Some important questions to address are: Do they meet the industry standards? Are we buying them from a reliable dealer? Do they provide the right level of comfort and safety for my employees?

  1. Promptly Report Any Noticeable Workplace Danger

As an employee, you should always be cautious when working in industrial settings and keep a lookout for any potential hazards. When you spot one, you shouldn't be afraid to report it to your higher-ups immediately and get it sorted asap. Instill this practice in employees at the non-managerial level as well.

Establishing a culture of proactive hazard reporting is critical for identifying and addressing workplace dangers in a timely and efficient manner. Employees should be encouraged to promptly report any potential danger they notice, such as faulty equipment, oil or water spills, exposed wiring, or ergonomic issues.

The responsibility for setting up a clear reporting process lies with the company. A clear and fuss-free reporting procedure should be implemented, allowing employees to easily communicate their observations without fear of retribution or delays by the management.

Moreover, with the advent of technology, several modern software and SaaS solutions have become available for safety management and reporting. These can be used for immediate reporting and streamlining of issues, raising the overall safety standards at your facility.

  1. Adhere to Guidelines for Proper Equipment Handling

Companies must enforce strict adherence to safety rules within their workforce. Proper equipment handling is essential to prevent accidents, injuries, or damage to machinery.

Employees must follow the teachings imparted to them via training and follow instructions for the proper use of every piece of equipment.

Adhering to proper equipment handling guidelines ensures that equipment functions optimally and minimizes the risk of malfunctions, which can lead to accidents or disruptions in production. Furthermore, regular refresher training and ongoing supervision help reinforce safe handling practices and foster a culture of equipment safety.

  1. Be Prepared for Emergencies

Emergency preparedness is vital to minimize the impact of unforeseen incidents and ensure the safety of employees. Businesses should develop comprehensive emergency response plans for fires, chemical spills, medical emergencies, or natural disasters. Employees should be trained on evacuation procedures, assembly points, emergency contacts, and the proper use of firefighting equipment or first aid kits.

  1. Prevent Falls and Slips

Slips, trips, and falls are the leading causes of workplace injuries in industrial and manufacturing environments. To prevent such incidents, businesses should implement measures to identify and address potential hazards. It can include regular inspections of walkways, staircases, and elevated platforms to identify and fix uneven surfaces, loose handrails, or obstructed pathways. Non-slip flooring, appropriate lighting, and clearly marked signage can also create a safer work environment.

  1. Regularly Inspect Machinery and Equipment

Regular inspection and maintenance of heavy machinery and equipment are important in industries and manufacturing units.

Just like every other thing, machines are also prone to wear and tear, which can reduce their efficiency and pose safety threats to your workers. Hence, businesses and industries must implement robust preventive maintenance programs to ensure regular inspection, servicing, and equipment calibration according to manufacturer guidelines and industry practices. It can be highly beneficial in identifying perils such as loose or damaged parts, faulty wiring, or malfunctioning safety features.

Proper documentation of inspections, repairs, and maintenance activities should also be maintained to track the condition and performance of machinery over time, allowing for timely replacements when needed.

  1. Adopt Correct Postures to Lift Objects Safely

People working in industrial and manufacturing settings are required to work with powerful machinery and heavy objects. They usually work in large-scale production facilities and plants. These plants may consist of several departments where the workforce operates machinery, lifts heavy loads, and handles raw materials. Such tasks often leave them complaining about back pains, strains, or musculoskeletal injuries.

However, you should not take these complaints lightly, as these seemingly common issues can lead to long-term ailments and even disabilities in severe cases. You should invest in training your employees on the correct lifting techniques, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a straight back, bending at the knee, and using leg muscles instead of the back.

End Note

Safety is of utmost importance. Nobody wants to jeopardize their health and endanger their lives and those dependent on them for work's sake. Poor employee safety results in absenteeism, low morale, and high employee turnover. To counter these challenges, consider implementing the tips mentioned earlier and watch your business reach new heights of success with the help of a highly motivated and safe workforce.