Product packaging is, unbeknownst to many business owners, one of the most effective ways to send messages to your clientele. You can use product packaging to share information about your brand, convey important messages about things like recycling or sustainability, and ask for feedback.
If you were until now unaware of how important your product packaging is, now’s the time to make a positive change. First, however, you should take time to research and understand the importance of good product packaging.
This post will help you to do that, and tell you how you can make sure your product packaging sends the right message.
Brand Consistency
The first thing you need to know is that your product packaging needs to be consistent with the rest of your company’s branding. One of the biggest mistakes a lot of business owners make is sending inconsistent messages with their branding. If your social media pages feature one logo and a specific color scheme and your product packaging features another, customers might think that they are two completely different companies. On your custom-printed packaging bags, as well as your other packaging, make sure branding is consistent. A professional brand image company will help you to develop your branding if you haven’t had much luck with it alone.
First Impressions
For most customers, their first interaction with your business will either be happening across your products in a store or finding your brick-and-mortar location while exploring a mall or their local city center. If your branding is not expertly designed, you could send customers the wrong message. Basic branding makes your business look boring. Nobody is going to want to buy products or services from you if you haven’t put effort into branding. First impressions count, so do everything you can to ensure your product packaging looks its best.
Sharing Information
Your product packaging gives you the perfect opportunity to share information about your brand. It also makes it possible for you to advertise things like competitions, initiatives, or charities you are organizing or support. Make sure that if you do use your product packaging to share information, you make it as easily digestible as you can. The worst thing you can do is overload customers with information on your product packaging, as they will lose interest.
Audience Appeal
The next thing you need to think about is how your packaging will appeal to your audience. A lot of people make the mistake of designing packaging without thinking about the needs, wants, and interests of their audience. If you completely skip your audience’s interests during the packaging planning process, you will probably end up designing something that does not appeal to them in any way. To make packaging appeal to your audience, you can hire a professional designer to work with you. A designer will be able to help you improve the overall look of your packaging.
Packaging Practicality
It is also a good idea to think about the practicality of your packaging. A lot of people make the mistake of totally overlooking their packaging’s practicality, and instead, they end up designing packaging that is either inconvenient to use or goes against norms and standards in the product packaging industry. As mentioned above, a designer will be able to work with you to make sure your packaging looks its best.
Promoting Sustainability
Sustainability is definitely something you need to think about. If your packaging is not sustainable, you may have a hard time attracting customers. Nobody is going to want to do business with you if you disregard sustainability. People are more concerned about the environment than ever before, so now’s a better time than any to optimize packaging so as to ensure it is eco-friendly and fully green.
Differentiating Yourself
Differentiating yourself from your competitors is something you can do with relative ease, as long as you design your packaging carefully. Make sure your packaging stands out, and that it is uniquely yours. Don’t make the mistake of copying the packaging designs of rival businesses, because this can lead to customers confusing your business with theirs, and other companies taking legal action against you.
Packaging Clarity
Finally, make sure that your packaging is clearly associated with your business. Also ensure any text, logos, or images are clear in terms of image clarity. A good way to ensure packaging is clear is to hire a graphic designer and a professional printing service to print finished packaging for you.
Your product packaging is a great way to brand, market, and advertise your business. If you are interested in promoting your business, why not start with your packaging? Use the guidance given here to get a better idea of how to do that.