Dinner Celebrating 10 Years Of Service In Your Community

Dinner Celebrating 10 Years Of Service In Your CommunityRotary Club Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) was chartered 10 years ago and to recognise this and reflect on the work of the Club and Rotary in the community a celebration dinner was held at the Quinta da Senhora Menina in Faro and we were delighted to have Dr. Rogerio Bacalhau, President of Faro Camara as our guest of honour. 

90 people came along to enjoy the evening and be entertained by Fadista Cristina and Portuguese guitar player Ricardo Martins.

L to R:  RCEPI Past President - Manuela Robinson,  RCEPI President - Bruno Sousa Costa,  RCEPI President Elect - Christine FayThe Rotary Movement was founded in 1905 by Paul Harris and in his honour Paul Harris awards are given to Rotarians and friends of Rotary for outstanding effort. In the past 3 years RCEPI has joined forces with the Wolf Valley Charity to provide two mobile cancer screening units to the Algarve Oncology Association and helped purchase vans for the Estoi Casa do Povo and the Vale Silves Community Centre. The Club was pleased to give a Paul Harris award to Sr. Paulo Chaves, President of the Wolf Valley Charity and also award honorary membership of the Club to both Sr. Chaves and Graham Miller their treasurer. Paul Harris awards were also given to Past President Manuela Robinson and the Club’s web administrator Richard Thorpe. Honorary memberships were also awarded to Orlando Araùjo, Director of Estoi Palace Pousada and Zelia Rosao from the Poeta Emiliano da Costa School in Estoi who has helped RCEPI with many fund raising events to assist local students.

In addition to Abilio Lopes, Past Rotary District Governor and representative of the Rotary Foundation, 6 Past Presidents were also in attendance to look back on the achievements of the Club.

1. 50.000 Litres of milk delivered to Estoi Casa do Povo for local families registered with the Faro Food Bank.
2. Mobile breast screening unit presented to the Algarve Oncology Association
3. Purchase of a refrigerated delivery van for Faro Food Bank
4. Fully equipped ambulance for Sao Bras Bombeiros
5. Support for local students at University
6. Purchase of people carrier vehicle for Estoi Casa do Povo
7. Christmas gifts and parties for local children at Estoi Casa do Povo
8. Annual Arrraial for Estoi Secondary School
9. Mobile unit for skin and lung cancer screening presented to the Algarve Oncology Association
10. 100% Paul Harris recognition for the RCEPI

RCEPI has assisted the community in many other ways during that time with the purchase of wheelchairs, sponsorship of a Riding for the Disabled student and much, much more.

If you would like further information on RC Estoi Palace International contact moc@rotaryestoipalace.org or www.rotaryestoipalace.org.