New Rotary club for West Algarve

New Rotarty club for West AlgarveThe inaugural meeting of  ALWIRC, the new English speaking, ALGARVE WEST INTERNATIONAL ROTARY CLUB, Porches,  took place at Vila Vita Parc on Thursday May 20th. 

President Paul Lantau, said how delighted and privileged he was to welcome 22 Rotarians and guests to the first meeting, which proved how important it was to start this new Rotary Club in the West. He thanked Kurt Gillig, Resident Manager and a Founder Member, for his help and support in enabling ALWIRC to use the beautiful setting of Vila Vita Parc as their regular weekly, venue. 

Paul told everyone that the Rotary formalities and procedures for starting the new club had been completed in record time – a matter of weeks not months. This had just been confirmed by the District Governor, Mario Rebelo, who would personally be attending the ALWIRC Charter Night on June 24th.  This would be followed on October 30th by a GRAND GALA CHARTER NIGHT,  both events at Vila Vita Parc.

The honoured guest was Margarida Castanhito, Technical Director of the Bom Samaritano Children's Home, Alvor who the Club were planning  to make their first main charity fund-raising project, over the next five years.Margarida thanked Paul and the ALWIRC members for  their generous plan for help and future support, explaining how grateful she and her staff were to Rotary Clubs as they only received part of their costs from the government and relied on charitable donations for the rest.

The new Club has already planned two special events for the Bom Samaritano children.The first, organised by Rotarian Valerie Londot, is a day out in June at the Lake of Quinta do Lago, for 15 children and staff.  The second, is free sailing lessons and trips, organised by Rotarian Bram Bijloo on his sailing boat at Portimao Marina.

Part of the meeting was a short introductory talk on the Meaning of Rotary after which members adjourned for an enjoyable lunch in the Adega Restaurant.

David Trubshaw, the Press Officer, summed up their successful first meeting - “The idea to set up an English speaking Rotary Club in the West was discussed four years ago.  Now is definitely the time.  We already have 26 potential members with a target of 50 members by the end of the year. We are determined to  grow and develop to “Give Something Back” to our local community based on the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self.” 

For more information about the Algarve West International Rotary Club, please email the Secretary - or  MC -