Senior Bikers out in record numbers

Senior BikersOn Tuesday 11th March a record number of members attended the lunch provided by and at the invitation of The Moto Clube de Faro. There were so many riders that the the group was split into two for the ride before lunch, with organiser Mike Sanders leading the main group for a ride to Dogueno.

Those wanting a more leisurely route followed David Shirley and Steve Wills to Querenca. Both groups returning to the meeting point at São Brás de Alportel and joining up for the final part of the route to the Moto Clube Headquarters for an excellent lunch of traditional Portuguese fish and meat dishes.

There were birthday celebrations on the day for Peter Moseley who has attended nearly every ride since the ASB started, and also for our most distant member Madeleine Marques who lives in Canada but always joins in the rides when in the Algarve.

The ASB members would like to thank The Moto Clube de Faro for their kind hospitality and for presenting all those attending with a commemorative pin and sew on patch to mark the occasion. We wish them continued success in their great clubhouse and with  the Annual Concentration in July which must be one of the biggest motorcycle events in Europe attended by thousands of bikers every year.

The details of the April Ride will be announced on shortly.

Some of the group near Barranco Velho,  Lunch at Faro Moto Clube, and  Peter Moseley (centre) with Roger Ingle(R) and Dave Everest(L)

Some of the group near Barranco Velho |  Lunch at Faro Moto Clube | Peter Moseley (centre) with Roger Ingle(R) and Dave Everest.