Algarve Senior Bikers Up In The Clouds

Algarve Senior Bikers Up In The CloudsFinally after two postponements due to bad weather the last ride of season was able to take place on Thursday the 28th of November.

When arriving in Silves for the start it was quite foggy, but starting the climb up the mountains towards Sao Marcos the misty conditions turned to bright sunshine. However, when riding across the top ridge at some points it was possible to look down at the clouds, giving some wonderfully atmospheric views.

After pausing for a quick break when riding north on the IC 1 riders continued on via Gomes Aires, to the viewpoint at the church of Santa Amaro on the outskirts of Almodovar. From the church there are splendid views over the lower Alentejo plains in all directions.

ASB at Santa Amaro and Santa Amaro Church, Almodovar
Lunch was enjoyed at Restaurant O Almodovar before heading back south on the lovely winding road to Malhão, to end the ride.  

Members then went there separate ways home. A really great day trip to end the group rides for this year. 

Organised and led this time by Leo Laurense and David Shirley with the assistance of Roy West and Bob Chesters.

One more event remains for this year - The Annual Charity Lunch on the 12th of December when David Shirley, ASB  organiser and founder of the group will be celebrating 65 years of riding motorcycles.

Photos by Asha Mohan and Michael Jensen
