Algarve Senior Bikers Reach New Heights

18292It now seems to be the new normal that ASB rides will have to be repeated on two days, due to the present Covid-19 situation and the regulations on group sizes.
The ride this time started from Silves before climbing up to the highest point in the Algarve for a coffee break at Foia.

The group on day 2A stop was made at the viewpoint overlooking the barragem on the road to Alferce before continuing to Foia, via Monchique. After taking in the views from the top the riders headed back towards Monchique before traveling through the hills on twisty roads to Marmelete for lunch on the outside seating area at restaurant Sol e Serra. 

The ride was organised by Roy West with the assistance of Ken Blunt on day one and Bob Chesters and Ulf Kollbratt took over on day two.

There ASB will now take a summer break with no events planned for August and resume again in September.