AIRC Presents Two Fellowship Awards For Outstanding Service

AIRC PRESENTS 2 FELLOWSHIP AWARDS FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICEAlmancil International Rotary Club President Uschi Kuhn was determined to honour two members with a Fellowship award.  The award named after the founder of Rotary, Paul Harris, is given to members who have performed outstanding service to the club and thereby to the causes we support. 

L to R in the photo: Richard Campbell, Uschi Kuhn and John SlatterRichard Campbell is club secretary for the third year.  Not only has he been diligent in keeping the minutes of member and board meetings, he has kept members informed of events and since Covid hit us, he has organised all the club Zoom meetings. 

Club Treasurer John Slatter has kept the finances in good order for the past three years.  He has been the prime mover in golf and other events that have raised more than 20,000 Euros.

These awards would normally be presented at a special Rotary dinner with members and invited guests.  Sadly, in these difficult times this wasn't possible.  The club is currently, and for the near future conducting meetings via Zoom.  Needless to say having a virtual presentation was somewhat impractical.  However, the Conrad Hotel stepped into the breach and, following social distancing and group number guidelines, Uschi was able to present the awards at the outside terrace at the Conrad last week. 

"It's important to our club that we carry on with our activities raising money in whatever way we can and honouring our members for their contributions and achievements" said Uschi.  "We have had a virtual fund-raising Easter hat parade and a virtual dog show with entries still coming in.  We can use all the funds we raise for local causes, some of which are in severe difficulties at the moment".