New croquet club at Centre Algarve

NEW CROQUET CLUB AT CENTRE ALGARVEBased at the Central Algarve Holiday Centre for children with special needs, in Moncarapacho, is a new club, the AWL Croquet Club.  Formed with the intention to allow anyone to enjoy and play a game of croquet, in pleasant surroundings. The centre is a fantastic facility for special needs children, with numerous friendly animals and birds in surrounding paddocks.

We wondered what we had started!The club has kindly been allowed to use an unused strip of land, and create a brand new croquet lawn, using muscle power and hard work by the AWL members. In exchange for the use of the land, the club have initially raised in excess of 5000 euros, to enable the Central Algarve Holiday Centre to create a brand new gym facility for the visitors.

The AWL Croquet Club will formally ‘raise the flag’ on 6th June at 0:930, with a donation presentation to the centre at 12:30, followed by a BBQ, with all funds given to the centre.

The AWL CC is seeking new members, and anyone wishing to have a go on the day is welcome.

Further information from Amanda on 910 985 520 or Ian on 912 629 543, or email at