Algarve Senior Bikers Way Out West

ALGARVE SENIOR BIKERS WAY OUT WESTOn March 28th the Algarve Senior Bikers took advantage of the bright Spring sunshine for a visit to the West coast. Meeting in Silves, the Riders took the hilly road across to São Marcos de Serra before heading further north via Nave Redonda and West towards Sao Teotonio on some beautiful roads, with gentle sweeping bends, allowing the two groups to move at a nice steady pace.

Just outside Sao Antonio the group paused for a refreshment break for a coffee or a cool drink . Then it was on towards the village of Odeceixe with its lovely coastal views and following the river banks to the Atlantic Ocean beach. After a stop for photos continuing on via Aljezur for an excellent lunch served by Ana Sofia and the staff at restaurant Fonte do Vale in Vale da Telha.

The ride was organized by Philippe Payen and David Shirley who were assisted on the day by Peter Kenyon and Leo Laurense.

On the same day a ride was organized by Andrew Chilton on the gravel roads around the same area and all groups met up for lunch at the Fonte do Vale restaurant.

David Shirley.

Photos David Shirley, David Ashcroft, Philippe Payen.


The first organised ride of the "ASB Gravel Road Group" saw nine riders, on a selection of 'adventure bikes', set off from the village of Marmelete. The route took the group northwards before heading west on rural gravel tracks towards Odeceixe and the Atlantic coast. Then after a well needed cafe stop, the group turned south, weaving a path along more country roads and forest tracks towards Aljezur and onwards to the destination restaurant in Vale de Telha, a journey of approx 70kms.

Andrew Chilton, 

Photos Anrew Chilton and Adrian Snook.

The next ASB event.

A road ride in the East meets West format starting points being near Odiaxere in the west and Tavira in the east. Meeting in the centre for lunch. This will be on the 27th of April.