ASB Eastern Algarve September Ride, 2023

ASB EASTERN ALGARVE SEPTEMBER RIDE, 2023September's meeting place was São Bras de Alportel. It was a good turn-out with 30 riders, including a few new members taking part. Riders formed into two groups making the ride more manageable, enjoyable and safe.

 Bikers at the Barragem de OdeleiteGroup 1 was led by Hans Veninga and Group 2 by Phil Smith.  They also organised the ride and lunch. They were assisted on the day by Phill Anderson and Peter Kenyon.

The route was east for a short while, before turning in a northerly direction and over the small stone Ponte de São Domingos bridge. The quiet country roads offered  beautiful views of the hills and valleys and back to the south coast. 
After 50 minutes or so, with the sun shining, a stop to take a few photos at the Miradouro de Vale Covo and then on to the designated coffee stop at Pinto Cafe, for much needed refreshment.

Away again and heading east for possibly the best part of the ride. Riding in the sunshine along winding roads on top of the hills with views down to the Algarve Coast in the hazy distance.

Eventually, the bikers approached the Barragem de Odeleite from the south and reached the lunch destination at the Bela-Vista Restaurant.

After a nice lunch and a chat, the riders made their own way home. 

A long ride for some from the west including Tim Holmes who managed to clock up around 375 kms on the day according to the tracking app on his phone!  And he managed to safely negotiate 818 bends !

David Shirley
ASB Organiser

Photos by David Shirley and Paul Baylis.