A momentous year for the Algarve 41 club

A MOMENTOUS YEAR FOR THE ALGARVE 41 CLUBAt the AGM of the Algarve 41 Club, held at the Restaurante O Farol, Rocha Brava, Carvoeiro on 16th May 2024, retiring Chairman, Michael Brown, referred to the significance of the major event that had occurred during his second year as Chairman, he having previously occupied the position in 1994/95.

 Algarve 41 Club Chairman, Michael Brown, presenting Riding for the Disabled with a cheque.Since 2016 there had been two 41 Clubs on the Algarve; the original Algarve 41 Club and the Algarve International SET 41 Club, both of which were affiliated to the National Association.

Early in Michael’s year discussions, instigated by the Algarve 41 Club secretary, commenced with a view to the two Clubs merging and in January 2024 the merger took effect with the SET disaffiliating and their 8 members joining the original 41 Club, which received its Charter in October 1985.

The Algarve 41 Club came about following a letter that appeared in the Spring 1984 edition of the TABLER magazine. Sandwiched in between reports on Denis Tizard’s retirement as General Secretary, an update on the 1980 Italian Earthquake disaster and the Run for Britain 1984 article was a letter from Robert Todman of Rayleigh & District 41 Club: He was anxious to bring together  Tablers who had property on the Algarve or frequented the region, with a view to forming an  Algarve 41 Club.

Sadly, Robert passed away in 2022 but his vision materialised and of the 22 Founder Members that attended the week long Inaugural Charter celebrations, 3 remain involved today along with several other members who joined within the first 2 years of the Club Chartering. Currently 38 strong, of which 8 members are resident on the Algarve, the Club remains very active.

Meeting twice a month, the 1st Tuesday being a lunchtime ‘business’ meeting held at Restaurante O Farol, at Rocha Brava Carvoeiro followed by lunch with ‘our ladies’. The meeting is Zoomed for those UK members wishing to join in the banter that usually occurs. On the 3rd Tuesday the Club holds a social evening, when members can bring along guests. This evening takes various forms; putting at Golfland, and 10pin bowling both at Alvor being just two of the activities in the last year that preceded the usual meal. Venues vary each month but usually occur between Praia de Luz in the west and Loule/ Faro in the centre of the Algarve.

After almost 40 years our AGM celebrations have now been compacted into 4 days, but still include a Welcome Party, flat green bowling and golf competitions, and the traditional AGM/Charter Dinner and Ladies night.

Despite having only 8 resident members our monthly meetings are well attended, with May, June September and October being the months when we see an influx of members who are making their once or twice yearly visit to the Algarve. An annual social event in the UK also helps in bringing together those members who cannot visit the Algarve so frequently.

Newly installed Chairman, Barry Gordon, and his Council, will shortly start planning for our unique Clubs’ 40th Anniversary Celebrations in 2025. When Robert Todmans vision for a 41 Club on the Algarve was realised in 1985 did he foresee that the Club would continue to flourish for so long?

As that Anniversary approaches we now expand on our founder Chairmans’ words – if you are resident on the Algarve, have a holiday property there or if you frequent the Algarve even if it’s only once or twice a year, come and visit the Algarve 41 Club at one (or both) of their monthly meetings. You will be made very welcome and may even wish to become a member of this very special 41 Club.

For more information on the Club’s activities contact our Secretary,  at mike.trice46@gmail.com