Blue skies and warm sunshine between the showers was the order of the day for the 38 riders of the ASB when they visited the railway town of Tunes for lunch at the aptly named Restaurant "Between the Lines".
The ride was organised by Errol Buckton who was unable to lead the ride due to having had an operation recently.
Because of the large numbers taking part the group was split into two with John Bacon and David Shirley leading one group from the start in Paderne to the pretty village of Querenca where a stop was made for refreshments at the Cafe Rosa in the square opposite the church.
Steve Wills and Joachim Heinsen then took the other group on a different route to Malhão. Everyone then returned to Tunes for lunch.
Next Event
Has been postponed for a while due to the adverse weather and the dangerous state of the roads after the recent storms.
Details will be on the website and emailed to ASB members when reorganised.
David Shirley