Biking to the Barragem

Biking to the Barragem'sOn Thursday 26th John Bacon led the ASB members on a ride from Boliquieme, through the pretty valley from Santa Margarida near Alte to Vale Fuzeiros for coffee.

After the break a visit was made to the two reservoirs and dams near Silves. The Barragem Arade and the Barragem Funchão. It was surprising to see how low the water levels were after the recent heavy rains.

Lunch at "Casa de Pasto Cisterna", AlcantarilhaThe ride then continued on via Alcantarilha Gare to Alcantarilha for lunch at the restaurante "Casa de Pasto Cisterna".


The next event will be the Annual Charity Lunch at the FATACIL RESTAURANTE in Lagoa, on Saturday 12th December. All are invited! See more details on the ASB website.

Photos by Michael Jensen and John Bacon.

The Algarve Senior Bikers at the dam