The Saint Andrew’s Ball: Saturday 28 November 2015

Malcolm MacGillivrayThe Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve once again held a highly successful Saint Andrew’s Ball at the Penina Hotel with nearly 100 participants. Our piper Malcolm MacGillivray greeted guests into the hotel and then led the parade into the ball after the champagne reception. 

Once again the Hotel Penina produced a superb buffet – including preparing a cake with the Saint Andrew’s cross – and the friendly and attentive staff ensured that everything ran The Saint Andrew’s Ball: Saturday 28 November 2015smoothly. For the seventeenth year running the Scottish ceilidh band “The Sounds of Islay” entertained guests warmly. They, along with contributions from piper Malcolm, ensured that the dancing was both energetic and enthusiastic leaving just enough strength for a lusty “Auld Land Syne” on the stroke of midnight.

The Society was very grateful to its sponsors EuroFinesco for once again contributing to the costs of transporting the band from Scotland, to Medal Insurance for providing the heather and Prime Drinks for supplying the whisky. Janette Owenson very kindly made up the magnificent heather arrangements.

The Society hopes that the Ball will have whetted appetites for their next event – the Burns’ Supper at the Restaurante Ponte Romana in Silves on Saturday 23 January 2016. So put this event in your diaries now and watch this space for further details later. And if in the meantime you would like to practise your Scottish country dancing skills give Mardie Cunningham a call (282 356 029) about the sessions at the International School in Porches on Monday evenings from 7.30 to 9.30 pm.

If you would like to know more about the Society – no need to be Scots – give Chieftain Doug McAdam a call on 935 577 362 or Treasurer Kathy Prentice on 919 635 246.

Doug McAdam