Algarve Burns Supper

Algarve Burns SupperThe Saint Andrew’s Society of the Algarve held their Burns Supper at the Ponte Romana restaurant in Silves on Saturday 23 January. According to Society Chieftain Doug McAdam “The Supper was a resounding success with almost a full house of 125 participants. We were particularly delighted on this occasion to be joined by British Ambassador Kirsty Hayes and her husband Peter”.

As usual bagpiper Malcolm MacGillivray got the evening off to a scintillating start by welcoming guests outside the restaurant. Guests enjoyed a glass or two of excellent espumante arranged by Joaquim Tinoco of Catuna & Silva. The restaurant has been used for this event for many years and is now well practised in preparing and serving the traditional haggis, tatties and neeps. The haggis was addressed by Chieftain Doug McAdam after it had been piped in and a dram offered to the piper and accompanying party with Grant’s whisky sponsored for the evening by their distributors Prime Drinks.

The main speech - the Immortal Memory of Robert Burns - was delivered by HM Ambassador. She drew interesting comparisons between Robert Burns and William Shakespeare, and went on to portray the likenesses between the experiences of Tam o’ Shanter and Camões tales in his famous work “Os Lusiadas”.
The excellent toast to the Lassies was made by Ian Wilson and, much to his surprise, his wife Diane gave the more than adequate response on behalf of the lassies. Somehow a husband/wife combination always adds a little spice to these jousts!
The assembled company then partook of lively and enthusiastic Scottish dancing – which included an Eightsome Reel piped heartily by Malcolm MacGillivray – and the proceedings were brought to a close around midnight with ‘Auld Lang Syne’.

Anyone interested in knowing more about the Society – no need to be Scots – should ring Chieftain Doug McAdam on 935 577 362 or Kathy Prentice on 919 635 246.
And if you would like to give Scottish dancing a try why not speak to Mardie Cunningham, who runs the dancing at the International School in Porches on Monday evenings from 19:30-21:30. Her number is 282 356 029.

The event was attended by British Ambassador Kirsty Hayes and her husband Peter (LEFT)

Photography by Starfish Photography