Great roads, great views, great weather and great ASB ride!

Algarve Senior BikersASB organiser David Shirley was assisted by regular rider Steve Wills in leading the Algarve Senior Bikers' most recent ride from Silves via the Odalouca Dam, Alferce and down the steep twisty road through the Brejo valley, for a coffee break near Monchique. 

The ride should have taken place on the 9th of May but was postponed due to the recent stormy weather.

No weather problems this time.  It could not have been a better day for motorcycling with brilliant sunshine a clear views from the hills north of Monchique as the group made their way, after the break, to Marmelete.

The barragem at Odelouca, Coffee near Monchique, and Lunch at Restaurant Sol e Serra.

The event concluded with an excellent traditional style lunch in the shade outside at Restaurant Sol e Serra.

For details of the next ASB ride, please visit

David Shirley - Organiser

Photos by John Heffernan and David Ashcroft.

The Algarve Senior Bikers