Businesses in the 'Heart of Lagos' work together

Heart of LagosThe Heart of Lagos is a project initiated by Eddy Strayton, the owner and founder of Fools and Horses, one of the oldest bars in the centre of Lagos, Eddy says “that many of the bars and restaurants had been overlooked by tourists ever since the main street April 25th was pedestrianised. The effect of this was to open up more bars and restaurants to draw people away from the real centre of the city”.

The project was to created to produce a tourist map, similar in some respects to the many others produced, in essence, for the tourist community. However, The Heart of Lagos map differs because it focuses only on the centre of Lagos and the many quality bars, shops and restaurants that are overlooked in that area.

Eddy StraytonThe initial members are part of an association designed to help each other in this competitive business.
Also through, the website the map is downloadable so is perfect for today's applications, such as tablets and smartphones, easy to access and seldom left behind as the maps often are. There are plans in the future for a mobile app for people to download and use whilst in Lagos.

The biggest bonus that the Heart of Lagos offers is not only the backup if its own website, which benefits businesses and tourists alike, it is linked to a Facebook page ( ) which provides the Associated member's the chance to regularly post special offers, promotional events and items of general interest to the hundreds of tourists who visit this city.

The website also offers interested people to join The Friends of Heart of Lagos, a free monthly email newsletter with interesting news and exclusive offers from the independent businesses in the Heart of Lagos Association.

For more information please contact Eddy Strayton on:

T: 282 762 970
Facebook: Heartlagos