ACCAChildren’s charity ACCA, helps those in need in different ways, covering the cost of much-needed therapies and treatments that range from physical and psychological to the practical, with the supply of special equipment that will make a difference to a child’s development. The charity’s small committee fund-raise throughout the year, working with business and organisations who sponsor events, and individuals who have chosen to donate to ACCA’s worthy causes.

Marta Cavaco, left, and ACCA’s Gwenda DaudAn example of where the charity can come to the aid of the community is its work with AAPACDM (Associação Algarvia de Pais e Amigos das Crianças Diminuídas Mentais) an association that is supported by the government, and by members, and set up to assist parents of children of all ages who have a limited mental capacity.

Over the past six years, ACCA has played a key role in a scholarship programme developed for young handicapped trainees at AAPACDM to introduce them to the catering and garden industries and awaken an interest in working; the centre has also created a restaurant environment (ACCA helped to fund the purchase of chairs) where students prepare and serve meals every Friday.

ACCA’s bursary of €600 per month was made in memory of Brian Pereira, one of the founder members of the charity. Recommendations are made by the AAPACDM staff, under the direction of Marta Cavaco, as to which trainee will benefit from ACCA’s scholarship money each month, to ensure that all trainees are motivated to achieve better standards. The ‘awards’ are used by the trainees in various ways – to maintain good levels of hygiene, or to pay for bus passes to attend courses, or for needed medications.

The Association has no budget for first-aid kits, not even the basic creams or band aids. ACCA, with generous donations from Jacqui Vehlow of Salon Estaticas and IBC Security, was able to provide them. Shown here, with the kits, are Marta Cavaco, left, and ACCA’s Gwenda Daud.