Rotary 'tell their story' at recent wine tasting event

Rotary 'tell their story' at recent wine tasting eventThe mission of the Rotary Club Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) is to provide service to others particularly in the local community, to promote high ethical standards, and to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace.

To ‘Tell our story’, promote Rotary and increase our Membership, RCEPI held a wine tasting event at the About Wine Garrafeira in Faro.

Rotary 'tell their story' at recent wine tasting event20 people attended to talk about Rotary and how it can help in the community. For example RCEPI have been instrumental in the provision of a refrigerated truck for the Faro Food Bank and a fully equipped ambulance for the Sao Bras Bombeiros. President Jim Ditheridge spoke about what Rotary actually is and our President Elect Manuela Robinson talked specifically about RCEPI and what it has done to help people locally and internationally. Throughout the evening Luis from About Wine introduced a varied selection of wines accompanied by some excellent food.

The evening was completed by new member, Maria Jose Pires, Deputy Director of the Algarve Oncology Association, who spoke about ‘a view of RCEPI from a new member´s perspective’, a fascinating, powerful and emotional talk full of interest and reasons for joining Rotary and RCEPI, in particular. "I have always wanted to help with a refugee crisis but never had the opportunity, being a member of Rotary changed that."

"Meeting a Rotary member in Greece was a wonderful experience, it felt like family."

"I feel so blessed to be part of Rotary and the opportunities it gives me to serve those less fortunate."

For further information on Rotary Club Estoi Palace International contact,

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