A New Year Thank You From Castelo de Sonhos

A New Year Thank You From Castelo de SonhosChristmas 2016 was particularly heart warming for the Castelo de Sonhos charity, as so many people and organisations helped the underprivileged families of Silves council this Christmas season.

Face paintingThe Charity would like to thank the following:

- Silves Town Hall & Parish for loaning the venue for the kids Christmas party, including all the entertainment & decoration.

- Iceland supermarket in Albufeira and their very generous customers for supplying childrens presents AND over 200 boxes of chocolates which meant that families registered with the charity received a decorative box of chocolates together with their basic food bank supplies this Christmas. A total of Euros 483 was also donated by the customers of Iceland.

- Silves Rotary Club for their generous donations of toys, warm clothing, basic food supplies and many Christmas shoe boxes for the elderly.

- Julia Bardill, Eve Wood & Colin Robinson of Balaia Golf Village for collecting & delivering 44 Christmas shoeboxes.

- Dave Sheldrake of Dave Sheldrake Photography for taking the photos at the kids Christmas party.

- All the members of the public who responded to the “12th Annual Shoebox Campaign for the Elderly”.

And last, but not least, THANK YOU to the fantastic face painters Lara & Annette and all the charity volunteers especially Marianne, Jacqueline and Olivia from the Silves charity shop.

Liliana Rodrigues – President of Castelo de Sonhos