A right royal wedding present for ACCA

Dunas’s wedding cakeACCA’s fun-raising raffle at the Dunas Douradas Beach Club on Saturday resulted in sufficient funds to buy young Marley his much-needed oxygen unit

Thanks to the generosity of the many sponsors who put up prizes to be raffled, and the overwhelming response from visitors there to watch the Royal Wedding on the big screens, children’s charity ACCA, which looks after deprived youngsters across the Algarve, raised almost €2,000 on Saturday.

Marley, his sister, Mum Kate, and Dad with ACCA’s Gwenda DaudA particular cause had been pin-pointed for the event, young Marley, a six-year-old from the Algarve who was born with various medical problems including muscular dystrophy and a congenital bone condition. He has a global delay which affects many things in his body such as his speech, hearing, understanding and more. Marley is in need of his own oxygen unit which will help him breathe better. He came to the wedding celebrations with his dad, his little sister, and his mum, Kate, who, through her blog, works to create a greater awareness of the needs of those with disabilities and to support parents who may also be facing a difficult journey of their own. Just there briefly, Marley smiled a lot.

ACCA’s thanks go to the staff at Dunas who worked long and hard to accommodate all the guests. The wedding cake, prepared by their chef, was cut at 2.30 exactly, and shared with the visitors.

PS - The actual figure raised was £1,946.49 – if anyone wants to make the kitty up to 2k that would be wonderful. Gwenda Daud is the person to contact – 918 376 657 / gwenda.daud@gmail.com