OH WHAT A NIGHT! afpop East Algarve supporting the local community

OH WHAT A NIGHT! afpop East Algarve supporting the local communityWhere do I begin? A fabulous turnout, 137 guests attended the afpop East Algarve Annual Full Moon Summer Ball / Party Night at the Faro Catering College. Everyone wined and dined under the light of the moon, and then had a great view of the lunar eclipse and the Blood Moon… which we won’t see again this century.

Frivolity and dance moves were at their bestRichard Bassett (richybassett@hotmail.com) and Vernon Delauney (vernondelalpo@hotmail.com) had everyone up dancing until nearly midnight – what professional and amazing entertainers. They were the stars of the evening!
Frivolity and dance moves were at their best – which the photo will highlight.

As a result of the evening and associated donations, afpop EA raised €2600+ for StreetLife. Thank you to everyone who attended the evening, your generosity and support far exceeded any of our expectations.

Our thanks also go to all of the local suppliers who donated wonderful raffle prises: Apolonia Supermarket, Barbacoa Steak House, Borges Cervejaria Restaurant, Lagar Mesquita Restaurant, Restaurant Antonio, Philippe Stabile Hair & Beauty, Real Marina Hotel, Vila Monte Farm House.

afpop EA supports StreetLife as part of it “working together to support the local community project”.

StreetLife is a new initiative from a group of animal lovers who want to reduce the number of stray and abandoned animals in the East Algarve through a programme of sterilisations. StreetLife is a non-profit organisation set up to support local pet owners in the East Algarve with insufficient funds to sterilise their dogs. It was launched last September and has so far sterilised 80+ local East Algarve dogs.

E: info@streetlife.pt
Facebook: www.facebook.com/StreetLifeAnimalSterilisationProgramme

Donations : IBAN = PT50004571004029169661460 or via PayPal at donations@paypal.pt