StreetLife needs StreetBuddies...

StreetLife needs StreetBuddies...StreetLife is a non-profit organisation set up in September 2017, to support local pet owners in the East Algarve with insufficient funds to sterilise their dogs. StreetLife wants to reduce the number of stray and abandoned dogs in the East Algarve through a programme of sterilisations.

During the last 16 months they have sterlised over 160 local dogs.
StreetLife relies solely on donations and proceeds from fund-raising initiatives, without which they cannot continue their work in the East Algarve.
In January, StreetLife launched their StreetBuddy Scheme. It’s a way of raising additional funds for their work whilst also spreading the word to a wider audience.

What is a StreetBuddy?

Someone who wants to support the work of StreetLife via a small regular donation. In return you receive a Welcome Pack consisting of: a StreetBuddy Money Box and a personalised StreetBuddy card. You will also be invited to a StreetBuddy coffee morning twice per year plus you will receive StreetBuddy Newsletters, in addition you are entered into a monthly draw for a small “thank you” gift in appreciation for your support.
StreetLife has been sterilising up to 20 dogs per month. The number of daily contacts asking for their help is increasing. This is all fantastic BUT there is a price to pay for all of this.
With their current level of income they cannot continue sterilising at the same level as they are currently achieving. They either need to reduce the number of sterilisations (which they do NOT want to do) or get more income.

Will you become a StreetBuddy?

Help StreetLife continue to reduce the unwanted puppy and stray population in the East Algarve.
Contact StreetLife via email at or via their Facebook Page

Will you become a StreetBuddy?

StreetLife If you support our StreetLife Animal Sterilisation Programme and would like to make a donation this can be via PayPal: or directly into our StreetLife Bank account: IBAN = PT50 0045 7100 4029 1696 6146 0 

Every donation helps a dog to be sterilised. Or if you are interested in a regular donation of €5 per month you could become a StreetBuddy. Email to find out more.
Help us make a difference! Together we will reduce the number of unwanted puppies and strays in the East Algarve.