ASB members go 'above & beyond' for local children's homes

ASB Members Go Above & Beyond For Local Children's HomesFollowing the recent Algarve Senior Bikers group charity BBQ at the Pirilampos children's home, which raised over 1000 euros, ASB members Peter and Jane Allen decided to ask friends and relatives for donations, to help purchase some of the much needed items for the kids.

As a result of their efforts, which raised about 700 euros, I was able to join them in handing over items including a great selection of clothes, bedding, and toiletries.
Both Gaivota home for teenagers and Pirilampos children's home will benefit from the donation, which was received by Claudia Loios the director of the home, who thanked Peter and Jane for their help.

David Shirley - ASB organiser

ASB members Peter Allen, David Shirley and Home Director Claudia with some of the donated items.