Record Breaking Golf Fundraiser For AIRC

Record Breaking Golf FundraiserAlmancil International Rotary Club broke all its own fund-raising records at a recent golf tournament held at Vilamoura Old Course a total of 14,400 euros was raised for the benefit of local charities.  86 players participated.  The winning team was announced at a gala dinner held at The Millennium course club house in the evening attended by more than 140 people.

Event organiser John Slatter with Team Thorne and Paul Thorne's son, RobertTeam Thorne took first prize with other participants winning many other prizes including longest shot and closest to the hole.  ‘Unfortunately’ no-one achieved a hole in one which would have won them a Mercedes car.

Some of the money raised has already been spent on providing 4 electrically operated chairs for the Associação Humanitária dos Doentes de Parkinson e Alzheimer (AHDPA) day care centre, based in Vila Sol, Quarteira which provides day care facilities and companionship for sufferers of these two diseases together with psycho social support programmes. This brings the total number of chairs provided by the club to the Association to 8.

Club President Mark Hulit congratulated the organisers of the event who had worked for several months to make it a success.  “We are a small club” said Mark “but we have a core membership who work incredibly hard throughout the year organising events to raise funds.  With these funds we have been able to help a large number of local charities and disadvantaged people.  We welcome recommendations and, indeed, new members who are willing to give their time to help us to help others.  We must also not forget the many local businesses that help us with donations or prizes”.    
