Pai Natal at Estoi & Moncarapacho Casa do Povo

Pai Natal at Estoi & Moncarapacho Casa do PovoPai Natal found time in his busy Christmas schedule, to visit Estoi Casa do Povo on the 12th of December and distribute presents on behalf of the Rotary Club Estoi Palace International.  The Casa do Povo dispenses food packs to the families in Estoi registered with the Faro Food Bank (Banco Alimentar).  During the year RCEPI provides additional milk to these parcels with 6 additional litres per child and 2 per adult.  In 10 years, the Rotary Club has provided well over 50.000 litres of milk to assist the Food Bank.  The children were delighted to see Father Christmas and receive their present and chocolate coins.

On Sunday morning, 15th December,  Pai Natal was to be found at the Clube das Bias football ground in Moncarapacho at a Christmas Party hosted by RCEPI member Joao Martins.  20 children enjoyed fun games with sandwiches and juices, plus a visit from Father Christmas. A good time was had by all.

For further information on  RC Estoi Palace International contact, or see our website