The Algarve Volunteer Network Helping Families in Need

algarve networkThe Algarve Network for Families in Need has now been delivering food to those MOST in need for six weeks now, ever since we first became aware of the extreme impact of the COVID-19 crisis on employment. Some people lost their jobs/work overnight and others, who were looking forward to resuming work at the start of the season saw that promised work disappearing. During these six weeks we have delivered in excess of 1000 very generous food packs across the region from Aljezur to Faro. But instead of thinking of numbers we need to consider that these are people, humans who are living the one life that they have been given, and when we consider that, we have to consider basic humanity.These are people who, were it not for the donations that have been made by people across the Algarve and beyond, would not have eaten.

I can't look at the messages that we've received from some of the people you have helped without having tears in my eyes. Here are a few;

Kindly, so thank you, it,s hard to see my boy cry because his belly is empty

Thanks a lot from I don't know how I can show as I am grateful for your help xx

Thank you so much. Please please if you need any help do ask me. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my chest just now.

Is it just the Portuguese your helping with food ? My situation is much worse in that my funds have now dried up . Again sorry for this message but was just going to give up completely with what’s happening currently.

I wasn't sleep at night for weeks. You people are angels.

We are beyond grateful to every single single person who has donated over the last six weeks . And to those who have stepped up to help in whatever way they could. I can assure you that every cent donated has gone directly to families. We are a small group, all volunteers, we don't claim expenses we give our time willingly. We so much appreciate all you have done so it is with a heavy heart that I now come and ask for more help.

We have enough supplies and funds to meet current demand for another 2 to 3 weeks. So I have to ask you to dig deep into your heart and once again help us by donating, either at one of our collection points or with an online cash donation, so that we can continue to ensure that people don't go hungry. We believe that the people of the Algarve will come forward again to help us just as they have done thus far. We don't ask people to go without themselves, just please give what you can. Nobody should be going to bed hungry.

CLICK HERE to see weekly collection points:
Schedules are sometimes subject to change, so please visit our Facebook page to see regular updates of when and where collections will be made, or contact 937 149 603 or 282 101 585 for confirmation.

Cash donations can be made to Alerta at the Paypal address, PLEASE MARK for Families in Need.

If any companies or organisations feel that they could support us in this initiative, please contact us. We would love to talk to you.
Contact Bernadette Abbott on, call  937 149 603 or 282 101 585. If you would like to speak to somebody in your own locality I can put you in touch.