RCEPI help and encourage the students of Estoi

RCEPI HELP AND ENCOURAGE THE STUDENTS OF ESTOIFor the last 9 years Rotary Club Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) has given a Portuguese / English and English / Portuguese dictionary to each of the 5th year students of the School “Poeta Emiliano da Costa" in Estoi. 

Normally the dictionaries are distributed by our Club President, but with the restrictions caused by Covid 19, this year we had to hand the dictionaries over to the Head Teacher for distribution to the 60 pupils, to help them with their education.  RCEPI has been helping the school in a number of ways for many years, buying much needed school equipment and helping to fund an ex student through University.  We hope next year will see us able to hand the dictionaries over the students in person. 

RCEPI also gives Merit Certificates to the best 3 students of each grade between 5th and 9th grade to recognize the achievements of the outstanding students and encourage the school community to perform better. These were handed out on the 3rd of December at the school, at a much smaller ceremony than usual due to the Covid requirements.  In addition, the best 9th grade student, Jenifer Palma Costa, will be sponsored by RCEPI to attend an international Summer Camp in 2021.  The 2nd and 3rd best 9th grade students, Inês Briito Mata and Alexandre Cabeleira Pires, will be sponsored by the Club for places at a national 2021 Summer Camp.

If you would like further information on RC Estoi Palace International contact  moc@rotaryestoipalace.org, or visit www.rotaryestoipalace.org.   
