Royal British Legion Portugal seeks Recruits

Bob and Jacquie CollinsIn a year important to Britain’s Military Heritage the Portuguese Branch of the Royal British Legion is seeking to expand its presence in the Algarve.

2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War and the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

Also, next year marks the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo.

And husband-and-wife team, Bob and Jacquie Collins from near Burgau, who have just been appointed Secretary and Chairman respectively of the Legion in Portugal, believe this is the perfect opportunity to raise its profile and perhaps increase its membership.

Bob, a former Royal Military Police Warrant Officer declared: “We do have quite a strong presence in the Eastern Algarve but... if you’ll excuse the pun....we do feel the need for reinforcements on the 'Western Front'.
Along this stretch of the Algarve and up the West Coast we number only a handful of people amongst the 318 members we do have in Portugal.

Jacquie, a financial lawyer, who hopes to organise a Gala Ball in June next year to celebrate the Battle of Waterloo anniversary, added:
We are looking not just for retired military personnel from all the armed forces, but also for civilians interested in the Legion’s social and fund-raising activities. We know large numbers of people these days have a real affinity and empathy for the armed forces and we would welcome them as valued members.”

The Royal British Legion is entirely self-sufficient and self-funded and spends worldwide in excess of £1.4m per week on its health and welfare work for Service people, old and young, and their dependents.

The Portuguese branch holds a monthly lunch in both the central and eastern Algarve and Bob and Jacquie now hope to begin a quarterly lunch in the West, if they can get the support of new members.

The Legion also holds social events in Lisbon, and recently the Madeira branch held a Gala Dinner.

Membership costs £20 or €24 per year and anybody wishing to “enlist” should contact Bob and Jacquie by e-mail on:
T: 282 698 614

The Membership Secretary Captain Tony Peters RN can be contacted directly by email at for full information.