WHAT A NIGHT! €1733 raised for StreetLife

WHAT A NIGHT! €1733 RAISED FOR STREETLIFEafpop East Algarve organised a Wine Tasting & Dinner on the 18th November at Vila Monte Farm House in Moncarapacho and raised €1733 for our local StreetLife Animal Sterilisation Programme.

WHAT A NIGHT! €1733.00 RAISED FOR STREETLIFEThanks go to all of the afpop EA members and StreetLife supporters who attended the event.  The Vila Monte team excelled themselves with excellent food & service helping to create a magical evening.  The atmosphere in the Laranjel restaurant was buzzing.

ARVAD (www.arvad.pt), a fairly new wine producer from the Algarve, very generously sponsored five wines for the evening for the guests to taste. Mariana Carmo Canelas briefly explained the history behind ARVAD and the grapes used in the making of the wines.

The evening was an incredible success.  96 guests had fun tasting some great wine while raising money for a very worthy local cause.  A good time was had by one and all.  A date for next year has already been booked with Vila Monte Farm House!

Everyone's generosity was overwhelming and StreetLife thanks everyone involved in the evening for

helping to make a difference to the lives of so many local dogs and families on low incomes.

StreetLife is about to launch a BE WISE - STERILISE campaign targeting families living in rural areas. To find out more please visit their website: www.streetlife.pt

StreetLife is a non-profit association which supports low-income families with insufficient funds and helps animal shelters to sterilise their dogs, reducing the number of unwanted puppies & strays in the East Algarve. StreetLife has currently authorised the sterilisation of 600 local dogs.

E: info@streetlife.pt
Facebook:  www.facebook.com/StreetLifeAnimalSterilisationProgramme