Streetlife celebrates 5 years & raises €1536 … what a night!

STREETLIFE CELEBRATES 5 YEARS & RAISES €1536 … WHAT A NIGHT!82 StreetLife supporters attended a Dine & Party Night to celebrate StreetLife’s 5th anniversary at Restaurante Antonio in Moncarapacho.  As a result, €1536.00 was raised to help their Animal Sterilisation Programme in the East Algarve.

The theme of the night was 60’s, 70’s & 80’s music.  The evening revved up as the night progressed.  From calm and “quietish” over dinner to rocking at the end!!

Guests were singing and dancing around the tables having a great time.  Lots of supporters got into the spirit of the evening and dug out their flares, flower power outfits – even a YMCA styled police woman!!

StreetLife said “the amount raised was way over their expectation for the evening and thanks everyone for their support and generosity.  Working together we can make a difference.”

A BIG thank you must go to everyone who supported the event, especially to Antonio and Margarida and their team at Restaurante Antonio; they did a great job looking after everyone and no doubt they were exhausted at the end of the evening - they worked nonstop.

Fabulous prizes were donated by StreetLife sponsors: Ana from Casa Nova Décor, Hair & Beauty at Cara, Monterosa Olive Oil, Octant Vila Monte Hotel, Philippe Stabile Hairdressers, Hotel Real Marina, Sesil Home plus many items donated by StreetLife supporters.

PRIME WINE ( kindly gave 24 Magnums of Rosé Wine and for a bit of fun there was a “lucky dip” to find homes for the bottles J…. which hopefully are now chilling and ready to be drunk very soon.

Since StreetLife was launched 5 years ago, they have sterilised 730 local dogs… helping families on low incomes to get their dogs sterilised.  All of the Animal Shelters are overflowing with unwanted puppies and abandoned dogs.  The shelters cannot sustain current levels as they do not have the volunteers, finances or space.  StreetLife is trying to help reduce the number of unwanted puppies being dumped in bins like rubbish and reduce the number of strays.  It’s a never-ending task!

To find out more about StreetLife go to their website (in both English & Portuguese), you can also find out about their September campaign helping families on low incomes to get their pregnant dogs sterilised for FREE.

Facebook: StreetLifeAnimalSterilisationProgramme