Water filters to aid Ukraine

WATER FILTERS TO AID UKRAINEFollowing the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, Rotary Club Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) has embarked on an ambitious €210,000 project,  to send water filters to areas of Ukraine most in need.

The urgent need to get the filters distributed as winter approaches is illustrated by stark figures showing how difficult the situation is for those living there.

On the front lines 800,000 people have no access at all to clean drinking water. In the newly liberated cities of Mykolaev and Gherson 00% of people have no clean water access. Across the remainder of Ukraine 10-12 million only have irregular access to clean water.

RCEPI has joined forces with the The ‘De Leeuw Kyiv Foundation’ (‘The Lion Kyiv Foundation’) which was founded by Emmeke Vierhout and Kees Huizinga and a group of other Dutch entrepreneurs who live and work in Ukraine.

Nazava Water Filters, certified by the WHO for bacterial removal, are produced in Indonesia and sent to Holland for distribution. Nazava Water Filters empowers households to purify their tap, well or rainwater and make it safe to drink. One filter can provide a household of five people with 7,000 litres of purified water, which equals access to safe water for up to 2 years.

From Holland the water filters are transported to the De Leeuw Kyiv Foundation. Twenty years of experience in Ukraine have created a large network with reliable contacts deep inside Ukraine. The Foundation is in control from collection to distribution: a lifeline that runs on experience and knowledge. The direct lines are also efficient and cost-effective, because they operate on an entirely voluntary basis. De Leeuw Kyiv works with other local organizations in Ukraine such as SaveUA, Charity Hearts, Dutch farmer in Ukraine, Healthcare4Ukraine and Ukrainian Agri Council.

Following donations, so far, of 165.000 euros, 10.000 filters have been delivered to the Ukraine and 3000 distributed. To ensure that all are distributed as quickly and efficiently as possible a further 44.000 euros is required. If you can make a donation, no matter how small, this will quickly be achieved.

If you would like to make Christmas a bit more bearable for those suffering by helping to provide clean water and save lives, please visit our website https://www.waterfiltersforukraine.com/ for further information on the project and how you can make a donation and a difference.