The Annual Xmas & New Year Swims raise over €1000

THE ANNUAL XMAS & NEW YEAR SWIMS RAISE OVER €1000Once again, a fantasic group gathered for the Annual Charity Christmas Swim in Armação de Pêra. Thank you and congratulations to all those who participated on Christmas Day, and on News Years Day.

THE ANNUAL XMAS & NEW YEAR SWIMS RAISE OVER €1000The weather was warm with blue skies and sea was fairly calm. 

Santas started arriving from 10.15am, and at 11.00am a great number of Santas ran toward the sea for their annual dip in the ocean.

Our thanks to film crews from TVI,  SIC, and CMTV who came to record  the event.

Everyone enjoyed a very welcome glass of Hot Chocolate and Brandy in the Holiday Inn Algarve Bar afterwards.

A big thank you to all who participated, the media for helping with the publicity, "the Charity Man" who entertained us with Christmas Songs throughout the event, and for all the donations - just over 1000 Euros was raised for ‘Needy families’ in Armação de Pêra.

For more information about the Christmas Day and New Years Day swims, please contact the Clube dos Veículos Clássicos do Barlavento at or email

Photos by Bruno Santos  
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