Algarve 41 Club donates €500 to 'Arm in Arm' charity

Algarve 41 Club Hon. Secretary, Mike Trice presenting Val Smith, and Bridget Watson of Arm in Arm with a cash donation.Algarve 41 Club continue their support of local Algarve charities that are dedicated to providing much needed services and assistance to local residents with a donation of €500 to Arm in Arm. The presentation was made by the current Algarve 41 Club Hon. Secretary, Mike Trice.

Mike Smith, a member of Algarve 41 Club had reason to dispose of his high specification mountain bike, and very generously offered to donate the proceeds to Arm in Arm in the name of the Club.

Arm in Arm sold the bike for €350 and Algarve 41 Club topped this up to €500 from club funds. high specification mountain bike

Arm in Arm was started 7 years ago by Ricky Hawes with the aim of providing charitable assistance to local residents and organisations in need of help. Today they operate from a charity shop in Sao Bartolomeu de Messines (Open Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 till 14:00 and Sunday 10:00 till 13:00) and a Charity barn, which is next to “Roosters” bar on the N270, at Portela de Messines (Open Friday to Sunday 11:00 till 14:00).

In order to fund their donations Arm in Arm will carry out a total house clearance, or collect any items that cannot be easily be transported to the shop. Donations are also welcome at the shop. As a Charity, Arm in Arm is run 100% by volunteers and depends entirely on donations from a variety of sources. If you have a few hours a week to spare and would like to be part of such a project, Arm in Arm would be delighted to hear from you.

Contact details:
Address: 29 R. dos Caçadores, 8375-009 Sao Bartolomeu de Messines.
Tel: +351 910 828 815
Registered Charity No 516092626


Initially membership of 41 Club was restricted to Ex Round Tablers but the Association is now happy to welcome those who have never been in Round Table, of which our current Vice Chairman, Paul Collins, is one.

If you are resident on the Algarve, have a property here or you are an Ex Round Tabler, or 41 Club member in the UK, who frequently holidays in the Algarve, come and visit the Algarve 41 Club at one (or both) of our monthly meetings.

You will be made very welcome and may even decide to become a member of this very special and unique 41 Club.

For more information on the Clubs’ activities contact our Secretary at: