Commemoration versus Celebration

Lights OutThis year, one hundred years since the beginning of World War 1, is obviously a poignant one for many and should be a reminder for us all of just how disastrous war is. 

The chances are that no-one reading this was alive during the years of World War 1, but you will invariably have had at least one member of your family serving in that war. Many young men lied about their age because they believed so strongly that they should ‘do their bit’ and be loyal to their country.

The commemoration this year is all-important as all that is left are memories – written, photographic and some amazing ‘cine-footage’.

One wonders how anyone involved in the fighting during the 1914-1918 war came back sane. And I have no qualms about sharing my thought that these days it appears there are psychologists on hand if the local school’s hamster dies.
Our men (and women), along with those from many other countries lost their lives in their thousands, and when they came home (if they had one to come back to) they had to pull themselves together and get on with what was left of their lives; for them there were no psychologists or financial support to see them through the black nights, when they relived the moments when their comrades died.

This year an initiative entitled Lights Out is being supported by The Royal British Legion (Portugal) Branch.
The RBL is encouraging everyone to take part in the Lights Out on Monday August 4, between 10pm and 11pm.

You are invited to turn off all your electric lights and light just one candle on that evening. Sir Edward Grey who was the Foreign Secretary as Britain entered the First World War said “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime”.

The evening of August 4 will allow millions of households and individuals along with hundreds of companies to join together in a moment of reflection. More than one million Commonwealth service personnel lost their lives in the World War 1, and in the UK alone it is estimated that one million candles will be lit to remember the war dead.

Please take part in this remembrance. Commemorative candles are available form Marks and Spencer from Friday July 4 at a cost of  £4GBP, with profits going to the Royal British Legion.
But any candle in your home will show your support for this great initiative, and remembrance of those lost lives.