Algoz Autistic Unit receives Quiz Club donation

Rick Hursthouse handing over the cheque to Margaret Brett.   The biggest question each year for the Vale da Telha Quiz Club on the Algarve’s west coast is:

Which charity will we choose this time?

And the latest lucky recipient is the Algoz School Autistic Unit whose Voluntary Fund Raiser Margaret S Brett last week received a cheque for €900 raised by the club’s 50 quizzers.

Rick Hursthouse handing over the cheque to Margaret BrettQuiz Club member Rick Hursthouse, who made the presentation at the club’s Taska da Karisma HQ, explained:

We raise somewhere between €2,000 and €2,500 each year from the entry fee paid by each member at our Tuesday quiz which has now been running for nine years. The choice of charity is made by the members themselves.

The Club has already made a donation of €1,583 towards the €4,000 raised earlier in the year by the Vale da Telha community, for the provision of two defibrillators--one for Aljezur Bombeiros and one for the use of residents of Vale da Telha after a number of volunteers received special training--and Rick went on:

We felt the Autistic Unit at Algoz School, which is open for extra support to any autistic children within the Silves schools area, served a unique purpose and we decided that they would be one of this year’s most deserving beneficiaries.

Mrs Brett said the donation will be used towards the purchase of a video camera and IT equipment, adding: “The realisation of this entire project is only possible through the kindness and generosity of people like this”.

Recent projects at the school’s Autistic Unit have included a secure play area with rubberised floor and play equipment, a new kitchen and a sensory stimulation unit which will also be used by elderly dementia and Alzheimer’s sufferers.