Madrugada Celebrates 6th Birthday with new logo

MadrugadaDesigned by Suzi Steinhofel of Design Works, the new logo is fresh and light whilst capturing the imagination and reflecting the charity’s ethos beautifully.

Now in its fifth year of charitable service the association and its home based palliative care services is becoming a household name. Madrugada’s professional clinical team has supported and cared for over sixty people living in the West and Central region of the Algarve who chose to remain in their own home for end of life care. The positive impact of this provision is being felt by patients and their families as the team extends the emotional, spiritual and social support to close family members and carers.

Madrugada's new logo, designed by Suzi SteinhofelMadrugada’s services is provided without charge but as a non-profit organisation, the charity is always grateful for any contribution towards the cost of nursing that a family may be able to make. Being unable to contribute financially is never a barrier to someone benefitting from care and the association works hard to raise the funds necessary to support this service.

Care is not just confined to end of life; Madrugada supports people right from diagnosis of a life limiting illness and have a Support Centre in Luz that offers a range of Complementary Therapies, Counselling, Information, Support Groups and Workshops. The role of the carer is also understood and the Centre extends its support through similar activities.

Ultimately, the association would like to open four, six bedded, residential end of life care units (Hospices) across the Algarve, giving the Algarve community access to professional, compassionate, specialised care. The biggest challenge lies in finding perfect locations. A Capital Appeal to fund this project is underway.

Currently, the association generates income through three charity shops: two Encore Boutiques, located in Luz and Almancil and a Homeware & Furniture store also in Luz. In addition, Madrugada runs a nursing agency known as Hibiscus in Lagos and all profit goes to the charity. There are a number of fundraising events throughout the year designed to support a rapidly growing demand for the association’s services.

MadrugadaFor more information about our services or if you would like to contribute your time, skills and energy to a charity that really is making a difference, please contact

To make a donation, please visit our website or send a cheque to Madrugada Associação, Rua Direita 100ª, Praia da Luz 8600-160 Lagos.

Thank you. Because you care, we can.

T: 282 761 375