The Accidental Cylist raises funds for Motor Neurone Disease Association

The Accidental Cyclist - Charlie PickCharlie Pick, 29, set off from his family's village shop near Chesterfield in mid February this year to embark on an epic life changing trip around the world on his trusty bike. His first stop is Portugal, before heading to Spain and next, Italy. From there he hopes to move on to the United Arab Emirates and further afield.

"My aim is to circumnavigate the globe using pedal power on land to transport me wherever is safe and realistic, whilst raising awareness and help fund raise for the Motor Neurone Disease Association. I'll be making a living from coaching tennis along the way."

Aiming to bike 50 to 60 miles a day, Charlie has an extra special reason to take on such a daunting challenge.

"A family friend, Ali Hochstetter, lost her mum to motor neurone disease last year so I want to raise money to help them find a cure," he said.

Achieving this ambition will fulfil Charlie's aspirations to....

A) Complete a life changing expedition which tests his capabilities as a human being to the limit.

B) To further supplement his tennis coaching knowledge and experience through exposing himself to different methods, philosophies and environments.

Charlie (centre) with the 5 star holidays coaching team in Vale de LoboCurrently completing five weeks of tennis coaching in Vale do Lobo, Charlie will be leaving Vale do Lobo on the 28th of April, and making his way to Sicily, Italy where he has his next coaching job!

The great news is that Charlie has already raised £640 during his trip, but you can help raise more funds for MNDA by donating money via his Just Giving page.

For an update on where Charlie is, and what he gets up to please visit his website or see the Accidental Cyclist Facebook page.

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